Copyright Your Website? The Surprising Answer
Sep 11
2 min read
Who looks at the footer, anyway?
Many people and companies have websites and an even higher number of people look at websites every day. But how many think about what is in the footer? You'll often times see the name of the company that created the website or the platform that was used to generate the site. On an increasing number of site you will also see copyright information. Ever wonder how they copyrighted the website or why they did? This article will tell you more about the copyright process and when it's necessary for your website.
What does a copyright do for your website?
A copyright is a form of protection put in place to keep others from using information (text, images, videos, etc.) from your website without your permission. The content is automatically copyrighted when you publish your site. However, it is still good practice to put the copyright information on your website. Learn more about what the copyright information should look like here.
Do you need to file a copyright?
While a copyright is automatically established upon the creation of the work, filing is necessary to assert a claim. If your website contains original work like text, images, graphics, or code that you've created yourself, it's generally advisable to file a copyright to protect your intellectual property. This can deter others from using your work without permission and provide legal recourse if someone infringes on your copyright. However, if your website primarily consists of publicly available information or content that you don't own, a copyright might not be necessary. It's always recommended to consult with a legal professional to get tailored advice based on your specific situation.
The Bottom Line on Copyrighting Your Website
To ensure your website is adequately protected, consider the following steps:
Create Original Content: The more original your content is, the stronger your copyright claim will be.
Register Your Copyright: While not always necessary, registering your copyright can provide additional benefits.
Use Copyright Notices: Include copyright notices on your website to inform others that your content is protected.
Monitor for Infringement: Keep an eye out for instances of copyright infringement and take appropriate action if necessary.
By taking these steps, you can effectively protect your website content and ensure that your hard work is respected. If you have any doubts or concerns about copyrighting your website, it's always a good idea to consult with a legal professional.
For more information on copyrights, visit the website below: